Main structure of high viscosity mixer


High-viscosity mixer is a multi-purpose mixing device that can mix two or more kinds of viscous materials evenly. It is very convenient to use, has high working effect, and is easy to clean after use. It has been widely used. Application, today I will give you a detailed introduction to the main structure of the high viscosity mixer.

The high-viscosity mixer is mainly composed of a transmission system, a power unit, a stirring system and corresponding supporting components, as follows:

1. Transmission system. The transmission system of the high-viscosity mixer is composed of a number of structures, namely the transmission case, the bearing, the coupling and the base of the transmission case, which enable the agitating shaft of the high-viscosity mixer to smoothly transmit the torque according to the required direction and rotation speed. . Among them, the coupling can connect the agitating shaft and the output shaft, and keep the rotational speed of the two constant.

2. The transmission box can ensure that the stirring shaft and the output shaft are centered and can withstand the axial force generated by the high-viscosity mixer; and its base device can ensure that the upper and lower end faces of the transmission box are in a horizontal position, and can also be driven. The parts inside the box and the mixing materials are intended to be separated.

3. The power unit can provide a constant source of agitation operation and a stable output of energy, including a reducer and an electric motor.

4. Stirring system. Including agitator, mixing vessel and mixing shaft, etc. The mixing shaft has many installation methods. It can be installed according to different needs. It can be inserted from the side, inserted at the bottom, or inserted from the side; the stirring shaft must be It must have sufficient bending strength, torsional strength, high machining accuracy and reasonable structure.

The structure of the high-viscosity mixer is carefully designed. Each part of the structure is its own powerful function, especially the agitator. It is the core component of the mixing equipment and the most direct part to participate in the mixing. It is an indispensable structure. It is because of their mutual cooperation that good mixing results can be obtained.

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